Message from the Headteacher

Following the recent announcement from the Prime Minister, we are planning for students to return to school from 8th March. 

At this point it remains uncertain whether this will be possible, as new variants are causing fresh concerns. For Year 13 and Year 11 families there is the added uncertainty and anxiety linked to arrangements for GCSE, BTech and Advanced level qualifications this year. Ms Baker will continue to update families as we receive further information regarding summer 2021 qualifications.

Since January we have done all that we can to deliver high quality online provision for students, but acknowledge that this cannot fully replicate face to face teaching. Your children have adapted brilliantly to online learning and the engagement statistics are particularly encouraging. We have attempted to add some variety to the school week through our enrichment mornings and afternoons, and will add to this in the week before half term through the widespread use of acknowledgement postcards. In addition, we will place students who have engaged fully (almost all students) into a draw for substantive Amazon vouchers before the end of half term in appreciation of their efforts.

We hope that the above will ensure a positive end to this half term, and set up students for what we hope will be the final few weeks of online learning in March. Following the return from the first lockdown, we hired external private tutors to give ‘catch up’ lessons in English and Mathematics to Year 9 and 10 students. We will repeat this with Year 7 and 8 students when they fully return.

Finally, could I remind Year 7 parents that their online Parents Evening takes place next Wednesday, 10th February. Appointments can be made through School Cloud which is now open for bookings.

Thank you again for your continued patience and support; hopefully the vaccine roll out will mean that we are now in the final phase of Covid related disruption.

Mr M Kiely
