School News

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  • 13/10/23

    Year 7 Admissions 2024-25

    Click here to view the Year 7 Admissions 2024-25 page
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  • 16/07/24

    Sports Day 2024

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  • 12/07/24

    Youth Clubs

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  • 29/06/23

    Little Shop Of Horrors

    The school will be performing the "Little Shop of Horrors" on July 13th & 14th. I have had the privilege of watching the children rehearse and it is looking amazing. There are a small number of tickets left. It would be great if you could attend on one of these evenings. D...
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  • 12/05/23

    Year 9 Ealing Borough Cup Champions 2023

    Please see the Year 9 boys who captured the Ealing Borough Cup in a comprehensive fashion with a 5-1 win in memory of their friend Teddy. The goal scorers were: Nikolai D - 2 Keiron Green - 1 Harry O' Leary - 1 Riley Durkin - 1 They were led by manager A. Bartlett (Pep) who has put...
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  • 12/05/23

    News from the Science Department

    News from the Science Department In March, the Science Department at Cardinal Wiseman celebrated British Science Week, a ten-day event dedicated to promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. During this week, our department organised various engaging activities at lunchtimes for...
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  • 21/04/23

    Girls Football Success

    Our Year 8/9 girls football team successfully beat Ada Lovelace 1-0 in the final of the Ealing Borough Cup on 18th April.  Well done girls - a great achievement!  
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  • 21/04/23

    Geography Project Winners

    The very prestigious Geography awards were distributed today for students who built and created Geographical models displaying a variety of physical Geography landscapes. We had some fantastic entries across a wide range of year groups.    The overall Y9 winners were: Jessica Jajug...
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  • 19/04/23

    Parent Governor Election Result

    The Governing Board of The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School PARENT GOVERNOR ELECTION RESULT We confirm that the number of Nomination Papers received was equal to the number of vacancies available. By the closing date, only two parents had submitted a Nomination Paper to nominate themselves...
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  • 13/04/23

    Chemistry Olympiad

    Year 12 and 13 Chemistry Students have taken part in The UK Chemistry Olympiad organised by RSC. This was a great opportunity for our students to test their knowledge, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills in real-world situations. Chemistry Olympiad questions are designed to test chemistry...
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  • 28/03/23

    British Physics Olympiad Results

    The following Year 11 (and some plucky Year 10) gave up their precious Friday after schools to take part in the Intermediate Physics Challenge - as part of the British Physics Olympiad. The written paper was incredibly challenging, so a big well done to them. Online Competition Year 11 J...
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  • 16/11/22

    Trip to the Imperial College - 7th November 2022

      The week beginning on 7th November 2022 was a National Engineering Week and as part of the celebrations a group of our Y12 and Y13 A Level Physics and Maths students attended an event at the Imperial College, University of London. The event was brilliantly organised, we were greeted an...
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