Online Apprenticeships Information Evening
The Cardinal Wiseman Sixth Form would like to invite 6th form parents and students to join us for an on-line Apprenticeships Parents Information Evening taking place on Thursday 20th January from 6pm - 7pm.
With the growing popularity of Degree Apprenticeships, we believe that it is vitality important that Sixth Form students have all the relevant information to consider alternative to a traditional university based degree, that offers full time employment as well as a fully funded degree. Details of the evening are included in the attached letter.
In order to participate you will need to join the event via the link below.
If you have any questions in advance of the event, or if we can help with anything else in relation to your child’s future plans, please do not hesitate to contact Margaret Sowa Academic Administrator / UCAS, HE and Enrichment Advisor on 020 8575 8222 ext 521 Email: