Science Progress Tests - Year 7
The Science tests will take place in the week commencing 31st January covering all topics from this year:
- Particles
- Elements
- Forces
The tests will take place in the following periods:
7asc1- Monday 31st period 2 7bsc1- Thursday 3rd period 2
7asc2- Tuesday 1st Period 2 7bsc2- Friday 4th period 2
7asc3- Monday 31st period 2 7bsc3- Monday 31st period 4
7asc4- Thursday 3rd period 1 7bsc4- Monday 31st period 4
7asc5- Monday 31st period 3 7bsc5- Monday 31st period 4
7asc6- Monday 31st Period 3 7bsc6- Tuesday 1st period 1
Please remember that all pupils have access to ‘SHAREPOINT’ and ‘Kerboodle’, which I would strongly encourage them to utilise:
Access SHAREPOINT via the VLE link on the Cardinal Wiseman school homepage
The Science department KS3 folder on SHAREPOINT has boardworks presentations and test-style revision questions with answers for each topic.
username : same as school username
password : same as username when logged on for first time, then change password
institution : hgu0
These tests will be an important indication to the Science Department of progress and need to be attempted with maximum effort.
If you have any queries please contact Mrs. Khan on 020 8575 8222 Ext 437