Arrangements for 5th and 6th September 2022 - All Students

Arrangements for 5th and 6th September 2022

Important messages for Parents and Students 


Arrangements for 5th and 6th September 2022

Important messages for Parents and Students

Year 7  

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child to the Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, on Monday 5th September. Students need to arrive before 8:50am. Please ensure that your child has practiced their route to school and is punctual. All students should be in full school uniform and need to bring a packed lunch for this day. No PE kit is required. Students will have the opportunity to meet their form tutor, register for our cashless system and attend some lessons. We hope that you will be able to join us in our welcome mass in Our Lady of the Visitation Church at 2:15pm. Students will be dismissed at 3pm.

Kind regards,

Mrs A M McLoughlin

Acting Director of Inclusion    


Year 8

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child back to school, on Monday 5th September. Students need to meet their form tutor on the astro (fire assembly point) at 10:30am. All students should be in full school uniform. A reminder that earrings are no longer permitted and should not be worn. Students will meet with their form tutor and collect their planner and timetable. We will also register your child for the cashless system. Students will go directly home following their tutor time. Students will be dismissed between 12:00am and 12:30pm.(No lunch service).

Kind regards,

Mrs A M McLoughlin

Acting Director of Inclusion


Year 9

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child back to school, on Monday 5th September. Students need to meet their form tutor on the astro (fire assembly point) at 11:00am. All students should be in full school uniform. A reminder that earrings are no longer permitted and should not be worn. Students will meet with their form tutor and collect their planner and timetable. Students will go directly home following their tutor time. Students will be dismissed between 12:00am and 12:30pm. (No lunch service). Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch on Tuesday 6th September, so as to allow us to register all students for our new cashless system. Students who are in receipt of free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch.

Kind regards,

Mrs A M McLoughlin

Acting Director of Inclusion


Year 10

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child back to school, on Monday 5th September. Students need to meet their form tutor on the astro (fire assembly point) at 10:00am. All students should be in full school uniform. A reminder that earrings are no longer permitted and should not be worn. Students will meet with their form tutor and collect their planner and timetable. Students will go directly home following their tutor time. Students will be dismissed between 11:00 and 11:30am. Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch on Tuesday 6th September, so as to allow us to register all students for our new cashless system. Students who are in receipt of free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch.

Kind regards,

Mrs A M McLoughlin

Acting Director of Inclusion


Year 11

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child back to school, on Monday 5th September. Students need to meet their form tutor on the astro, (fire assembly point) at 9:30am. All students should be in full school uniform. A reminder that earrings are no longer permitted and should not be worn. Students will meet with their form tutor and collect their planner and timetable. Students will go directly home following their tutor time. Students will be dismissed between 10:30 and 11:00am. Please ensure that your child brings a packed lunch on Tuesday 6th September, so as to allow us to register all students for our new cashless system. Students who are in receipt of free school meals, will be provided with a packed lunch.

Kind regards,

Mrs A M McLoughlin

Acting Director of Inclusion

Year 12

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child to The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School Sixth Form, on Tuesday 6th September. Students will go directly to their tutor rooms via reception to start at 8:50am. Please arrive prior to 8:50am. A welcome assembly will take place with the 6th form team during p1. We look forward to meeting you.

Kind regards,

Mr A Hickman

Director of Sixth Form


Year 13

Dear Parent/Carer,

We will be delighted to welcome your child back to school on Tuesday 6th September. Students will go directly to their tutor rooms via reception to start at 8:50am. Please arrive prior to 8:50am. Lessons will begin as usual from period 1.

Kind regards,

Mr A Hickman

Director of Sixth Form