Outstanding GCSE Results 2022


Congratulations On Your Excellent Exam Results!   

Well done to all of our GCSE and A Level students this year who have achieved an outstanding set of grades. This is particularly fantastic as your hard work was during a challenging time - dealing with Covid, on-line learning and extra intervention sessions. We are so proud of you all and wish you best wishes as you begin the next step in your academic journey.

We are delighted for our students following the success of our GCSE results - with almost 70% of students achieving the English Baccalaureate (LA average 27.5%) & over 50 students achieving 8 or more Grade 7-9s. Well done to students, families and staff. 

The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School - August 2022


Please click on the link below for more details. 

GCSE Results 2022 - Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School
Congratulations On Your Excellent Exam Results! Well done to all of our GCSE and A Level students this year who have achieved an outstanding set of grades. This is particularly fantastic as…
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