Pupil Support Team

Pupil Support Teams

The care guidance and support framework to safeguard welfare and provide academic/social development

To find out more information about the intervention programmes offered by the Pupil Support team please click here

All staff have ownership of the School Mission Statement and it is used to contribute to the personal and academic development of the student’s.

Education for All =

  1. Ensure inclusion for all students through high expectations in relation to attendance and punctuality.
  2. Ensure inclusion through all students being able to access the curriculum.

Achievement for All =

  1. Ensure the curriculum provides opportunities for success through varied/differentiated pathways.
  2. Ensure student progress is monitored carefully with rapid intervention and support where appropriate.
  3. Acknowledge and celebrate improvement and success.

Pupil Support Teams

If a student is experiencing difficulties in school or at home, support is then provided by the Year Teams and the numerous Support Teams.

  • Care, guidance and support for students, starts from Primary School, through working with Year 6 colleagues to ensure a smooth transition to High School.
  • Analysis of prior attainment ensures that work planning is informed and takes account of student capabilities. This enables staff to provide a focus particularly on those students who may need additional support.

Year Teams

  • All students meet with their Form Tutor/Tutor group twice daily. The Tutor monitors attendance and punctuality, is responsible for the daily act of worship, monitors academic and social development of individual students and looks after the welfare concerns of Tutees.
  • Heads of Year & Deputy Heads of Year lead Tutor Teams in systematic monitoring of student progress, homework completion and attendance/ punctuality.

Inclusion Assistant

The Inclusion Assistant works with students to raise achievement and promote social inclusion. The Inclusion Assistant is responsible for the following areas of school life:

  • Running the Inclusion facility
  • Assisting with the assessment of KS3 students to identify those needing extra support
  • One-to-one mentoring and support
  • Facilitating Restorative Justice and reflective work following incidents or suspensions
  • Home visits

Counsellor & Family Therapist

  • Work with students and, if appropriate, their families in order to effect changes in the relationships in which they are engaged.  This includes relationships with peers, staff and families.
  • work on a one-to-one basis with students who are experiencing emotional difficulties or display changes in behaviour which are affecting their progress. e.g. anger, stress, self-harm etc.


  • provides counselling support for students experiencing emotional difficulties. Students can spend 'quiet time' in the chapel or talk to the Chaplain. Also runs the 'seeds of change' course for those students who have suffered bereavement in the family.

Learner Support Team

Behaviour Inclusion Service

  • Provides additional support for students with Emotional Behavioural Difficulties. Input involves 1-to-1 sessions, group work, workshops, lesson observation and circle time.

Identifying students who need support

Student Support Panel

  • Pupils identified as needing additional intervention are discussed by the school’s Student Support Panel. This multi-agency panel meets twice per half-term and consists of senior leaders, the child’s Head of Year, SENCO, Educational Psychologist and the Secondary Behaviour Service. Children can be referred to one of the in-school support services, such as counselling or mentoring, but in some circumstances it may be more appropriate to refer to external agencies such as SAFE or the Secondary Behaviour Service.

 For more information on the Student Support panel and the range of services that the school offers, please click here:

The quality/accessibility of support for learners re: education and career pathways

Independent Careers Advisor Service

  • provides advice and support for students regarding subject choices, career choices and post 16 pathways such as apprenticeships or studying at A level and information about Higher Education and university programmes. Also provides guidance for any students at risk of exclusion. This is in addition to discussion which take place in lessons in PSHE and Progression Pathways
  • In Year 9 there is increased consultation and guidance with students and parents, to plan for SATS examinations and Key Stage 4 subject choices. This process is important in ensuring that the curriculum is relevant to the needs, interests and career progression of students.

Meeting the guidance and support needs of vulnerable students

  • Looked After Children’ are allocated an Inclusion Assistant on arrival and their progress is discreetly monitored by Heads of Year and the Curriculum Team, in partnership with carers and the Senior lead for Looked After Children.
  • All staff receive child protection training annually and safeguarding awareness training throughout the year, increasing the likelihood of identifying children in need of support. Guidance for staff is clear and consistently acted upon.
  • All students are potentially vulnerable in relation to bullying, the School Policy on bullying incidents is clear and students are encouraged to speak to an adult they can trust.
  • All students may feel particularly vulnerable at some point e.g. losing a family member, serious illness within the family. Both a full time Chaplin and a part-time Counsellor are available to students and work with Year Teams.
  • A full time first aid trained medical officer looks after children feeling ill or in need of regular medication

Parental Engagement

  • Parental engagement is a key feature of ensuring students remain focused and goal orientated throughout their education. To this end the school invites all parents to attend the Parent Information Evenings in September to outline the academic year ahead and the role of the parent/carer in supporting them.
  • Assessment of work informs students of the level they are working at, and the requirements to achieve the next level.
  • The six/twelve weekly progress checks are reported to students and parents.
  • Each Year group holds a Parents Consultation Evening for stakeholders to discuss progress and plan progression.
  • End of Year Reports, issued at Celebration of Success Evenings, detail individual student targets. Parents and students are invited to discuss the content of the reports.