Pupil Premium
Since April 2011, the Government has provided Pupil Premium Funding which is additional to main school funding. The Government has given the school the freedom to spend the grant in the way that it thinks will best support the raising of attainment of pupils’ eligible for free school meals and to choose the areas where it will have the most impact. Concern exists nationally that those pupils who are eligible for free school meals do not make as much progress as other pupils.
At Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, our objective is to reduce attainment and progress gaps between disadvantaged students and their peers and in turn improve their socio-economic opportunities in adult life. We have high expectations of all pupils, and believe that with highly effective teaching, collective governance and a personalised approach to meeting children’s individual needs, every child can fulfil their potential, both academically and socially. We aim to create a culture of early intervention for addressing need, using an evidence informed, tiered model of teaching and learning, academic intervention and wider approaches to overcome barriers to learning. This culture is rooted in assessment, which allows interventions to be evaluated and the impact measured for future use.
Key interventions and approaches are adopted on a whole school level and are not restricted to pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium. However, some specific interventions (small group tutoring on a wide scale basis) have been made possible by allocating the Pupil Premium and recovery funding. Our strategies target the individualised needs of our children in receipt of Pupil Premium, with the main aim being that these children do as well as their peers with similar starting points, who are not eligible for the Pupil Premium.
When making decisions about allocating our Pupil Premium Funding, we have analysed our data thoroughly and have made use of a range of research, such as the Education Endowment Foundation and The Sutton Trust. Expenditure is reviewed, planned and implemented by academic year and is documented in the school’s Pupil Premium statement.
Outcomes for these pupils are monitored through school tracking, progress reports and exam results to ensure that their needs are being met and that this additional funding is having a positive impact.
If you would like information about Free School Meal Eligibility please click here