Rewards and Sanctions

Rewarding Positive Behaviour

Rewarding when expectations are met or exceeded

The school believes that all students have to be given responsibility and should be trusted to respond in a positive way to the rigours of learning and education.

Where student behaviour needs to be modified the school believes that sanctions alone will not be successful. It is important that some students need to recognise that there are advantages to behaving well, working hard, contributing to the school community and attending school every day, until they mature and this becomes a normal part of their routine. Therefore, a clear, consistent and student focused rewards system has been developed at the school to recognise pupils who have met or exceeded our expectations. This rewards policy has contributed to the positive behaviour for learning that is evident in every classroom.

In the daily life of the school staff seek to recognise achievement in the following ways:

  • Regular use of words of encouragement and praise
  • Encouragement via prompt comment-based marking
  • Achievement Points
  • Letters/Postcards are sent home by each department and the year teams in recognition of excellent work, considerable improvement or outstanding contributions
  • Acknowledgement of achievement through the school newsletter and website

Achievement Points

Explanation of Achievement points

Students will be awarded ’Achievement’ points for excellent class & homework, contributing well in lessons, outstanding & consistent effort, improved work, extra-curricular achievements & positive contributions to the Wiseman community.

How the points are used

Every half-term these points are collated, totalled and entered into your child’s organiser, so you can see how your child is progressing. These points will be used to reward pupils with certificates & prizes, whilst also helping to identify where some students may need targeted support.

Point Totals


Achievement Points

Behaviour Points

Tutor signature

Parent Signature
































25 points = H/O/Y Certificate

50 points = Headteacher Certificate

75 points = Achievement prize

100 points = Gold High Achievement Medal

Achievement Assemblies (held every term)

Achievement assemblies are held each term for Years 7-11 and aim to celebrate students’ academic progress, acknowledge success in enrichment activities and identify individuals who have contributed positively to the Wiseman Community. Award categories include:

  • Achievement Point Certificates
  • Tutor Achievement Awards
  • Enrichment
  • Attendance
  • Head of Year award

Celebration Evenings

These are held at the end of each academic year for every year group, with all students and their families invited to attend. Our community comes together to acknowledge the achievements of all Year 7-11 students, with over 150 prizes being issued to each year group under the categories of Curriculum, Sports, Arts and Tutor Group contributions

Jack Petchey Award

Students and staff are invited to make nominations and the award is issued every month. Nominations can be made for a variety of reasons including academic achievement or having a positive impact on the school community. Certificates are presented in assembly and students receive a financial prize the student decides upon how the money will be spent within the school.